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Do I Require A Development Approval?

How long does a Development Approval last?

Sections 85 and 88 of the Planning Act, 2016 outline the default currency periods of various approval types.
It’s important to note that Council has the ability to override any currency period, and they can offer extensions to currency periods under section 86 of the Act. These are assessed on a site by site basis (i.e. The Council is not obliged to extend your approval). If you require assistance for an extension to an approval, one of our Town Planners can assist. It’s important to extend approvals well before they expire, enabling suitable timeframes for Council to undertake assessments.

Default Currency Periods:

  • Material Change of Use: 6 years

  • Reconfiguring a Lot: 4 years

  • Building Work: 2 years 

If the approval is staged, any works completed within the currency period are lawful, with the remaining stages not lapsing. 

With the development approval are conditions which do not lapse with the currency period. Condition of Approval apply to the site, its current owners, and any future owners until the use ceases.

As a purchaser, it is your responsibility to do your due diligence and ensure that all of these conditions are being followed and maintained. Non-compliance with the conditions of approval can lead to the Council issuing a Show Cause or enforcement notice.

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  • Initial discussion and advice

  • Advice on immediate pain points

  • Advice on the process

  • Advice on timeframes and costs

  • Likelihood of success

  • An outline of opportunities and constraints

  • An understanding which other consultants need to be involved in the process

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