development application services brisbane

Doyen Prepares Development Applications in Brisbane

We are a dedicated team of town planners in Brisbane with an intricate knowledge of Queensland's Town Planning system. We bring the brightest minds in the industry together to provide our clients with an exceptional team of professionals to service your project.

Development Applications are the core of our business - we work within the Brisbane, Logan, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, and Redland City Council regions. Our staff have experience in both the private and public sectors of the industry - This enables us to handle your application with a clear understanding of the optimal lodgement process and the anticipated assessment procedure it will undergo at Council.

This knowledge ensures your application is presented in the best light, leading to a faster assessment process and achieving the best outcome for your project. Engaging with Development Application Consultants early in your project lifecycle is crucial to avoid the disappointment of rejection after purchasing highly constrained land.

It’s common for us to begin preparations for a Development Application before or just after settlement. Early involvement with us reduces time lost in paperwork and approval processes, enabling site work to commence promptly. This comprehensive service has made Doyen the preferred Development Application Consultant for many building and construction companies. If you’re in the market for a development site or starting the design of your dream home, contact us today and we’ll ensure you’re on the right path.

What’s Included In Your Development Application?

Council will assess your development application on a site by site basis. Under the same premise, your Development Application should address the specific nature of your site and project

We’re challenging the way Town Planning Consultants service building and development projects by extending our standard services beyond Development Planning Applications.

The traditional Development Application criteria guides project design in accordance with City Plan. It also manages the proposal through Council, and subsequently issues decision documentation to the client, who then communicates with contractors to complete the detailed design works and begin construction.

The pitfall with this model is that it does not consider the entire Development Application approval process, and more often than most consultants would care to admit, the project gets delayed at the detailed design and Building Certification stage. This is because non-compliant matters are discovered through State or National codes that have not previously been reviewed.

When faced with these roadblocks, the Development Approval typically has to be re-lodged with Council for approval of relevant changes. This wastes time, costs money, and in 99% of cases, is avoidable.

Our Development Application process takes additional steps to front load these issues and keep construction on track.

Under the Doyen process, we proactively communicate with relevant Consultants to undertake preliminary assessments of documentation before lodgement with Council for Development Application approval.

Our approach has proven to result in faster timeframes, reduced risks, reduced costs, and is a key reason that many building companies choose to work with us.

In addition to our proactive approach, our standard development application services include:

  • Preliminary application services - Including, briefing Specialist Consultants in relation to preparation of supporting documentation

  • The review of draft specialist reporting and input into final proposal drawings for lodgement

  • Preparation of all statutory development application forms

  • Detailed review of proposals against relevant planning scheme provisions, including Zone code outcomes, Use code outcomes, and Works code outcomes

  • Preparation of Town Planning Assessment Reports, including Code Compliance Statements and merit-based performance arguments where applicable

  • Liaising with Council Officers as required

Having an understanding of the milestones that a project will progress through, enables us to tailor Development Applications so they are presented to the Council with the highest chance of success. 

When dealing with challenging sites or projects that are contentious, project strategies are established to ensure clients’ expectations are clear, and relevant stakeholders are consulted to ensure an optimum outcome. 

Where required, we will source all the relevant consultants that you need from start to finish. Our extended network has a proven track record, and our recommendations are tailored specifically to your project.


Development Application Timeframes

In Queensland, Development Applications are guided by the Planning Act, 2016 and the Development Assessment Rules.

The type of project, its degree of compliance, and level of assessment, are all factors that influence the length of time that a Development Application requires for preparation and assessment.

The Development Assessment Rules break down an application into five parts, each with legislated timeframes as detailed in this blog post.

Two of the five parts are certain, with a combined legislated time frame of 45 business days, plus an additional 5 business days available for Council to issue a decision. These timeframes do not include the time required by your Private Consultants (Such as Doyen) to collate, prepare, and lodge the application.

Depending on the Council region and project specifics, these timeframes are regularly reduced which is always great news.

As part of our standard service, clients are provided with an outline of project stages and specific dates where we expect to receive communication from Council. This ensures our clients can track these timeframes accurately and communicate with other Consultants and builders appropriately, in order to reduce any lag time between Development Application Approval and building.

The State Assessment Referral Agency (or SARA) coordinates the State’s assessment and decision making role in the Development Process.

SARA is the prescribed decision maker for Development Applications that require assessment by the State Government.

Just as Applications are required to be lodged to Local Governments (Council) seeking approval against local rules and regulations, the State Government may require certain input if construction has the capacity to impact one or more of the State Government’s assets.

These include but are not limited to heritage values, transport infrastructure, and certain types of vegetation.

A referral to SARA may result in a number of State Government agencies being involved with proposals. Internal advice will be collated and assessed against the State’s agreed policy objectives which are outlined in the State Development Assessment Provision (SDAP).

A referral to SARA occurs parallel with the Development Application, and typically is lodged and resolved in a shorter timeframe than the Local Council’s assessment.

The response that SARA provides will be integrated into the decision package that the Council will eventually produce.

The purpose of Public Notification is to inform the community and relevant stakeholders of a Development Proposal that has been lodged and is under assessment by Council.

Typically, a notice is published in the newspaper, placed on the street frontages of the site, and given to all adjoining landowners.

Public Notification generally lasts for 15 business days, as stated in the Planning Act.

If you're uncertain if your Development Application will require Public Notification, contact Doyen Town Planners today and one of our specialist planners will be able to advise you.

We Assist With The Following Brisbane City Council Development Applications:

  • Residential Dwelling Houses and Renovations

  • Character Dwellings and Small Lot Dwellings

  • Dual Occupancy and Duplex Projects

  • Subdivisions / Reconfiguration of a Lot

  • Residential Townhouses and Unit Blocks

  • Commercial / Industrial Development and Modifications

  • Heritage Renovations

  • Operational Works – Retaining Walls / Excavation and Fill

  • Tidal Works Application – Pontoons and Jetties

Get Started Today With Your BCC Development Application

To get started on your Development Application in Brisbane, contact Doyen’s Town Planners today.

Our Development Application Consultants will step you through the application stages and advise you of recommended strategies to achieve the outcome you're seeking.

We recommend contacting us as early as possible in the project design stage, as our advice will greatly assist with establishing proposal plans that place your Application in the best position to be supported by Council.

Alternatively, our guidance can lead to the avoidance of the need for a Council Development Application altogether.

Contact our Town Planners in Brisbane today

Request your free consultation valued at $450

You'll receive

  • Initial discussion and advice

  • Advice on immediate pain points

  • Advice on the process

  • Advice on timeframes and costs

  • Likelihood of success

  • An outline of opportunities and constraints

  • An understanding which other consultants need to be involved in the process

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